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Cyberbullying is any form of pressure , aggression , harassment , blackmail , insult , denigration , defamation , identity theft , alteration , acquisition and illegal dissemination of personal data to the detriment of minors , carried out electronically.
The purposes are the same as traditional bullying, but in cyberbullying the
harmful behavior is often unstoppable, denying the victim a refuge or an escape route.
Among the many differences between cyberbullying and bullying we find that the first can involve children and adults from all over the world while with the second only students of the class or of the Institute are involved; instead the cyberbullies can be anonymous and solicit the participation of other anonymous "friends", so that the person does not know who he is interacting with while the bullies are students, known by the victim.
The material used for cyberbullying actions can be disseminated in
around the world and violent online communications can happen 24 hours a day.
There are several forms of cyberbullying such as:
● FLAMING : offensive and vulgar messages usually posted on forums and online discussion sites.
● HARASSMENT : obsessively and repeatedly sending messages containing insults.
● PUT-DOWNS : send messages, via sms, mail and post, to multiple recipients with the intent of damaging the victim's reputation.
● MASQUERADE : stealing the victim's identity with the aim of publishing vulgar content in his name.
● EXPOSURE : Making the victim's private information public.
● TRICKERY : gaining the trust of a person to steal private and / or embarrassing information with the aim of making it public.
● EXCLUSION : Deliberately excluding a person from an online group to hurt them.
● CYBERSTALKING : harass and denigrate repeatedly for
instill fear and terror in reference to physical safety.
● HAPPY SLAPPING : physically harassing for the purpose of filming the aggression and posting the video on the web.
To prevent cyberbullying, you need to:
● use the internet and social networks in a conscious way, avoiding receiving unwanted appreciation or blackmail, avoiding posting photos that portray you in provocative poses and not making the mistake of sending material of this kind via chat.
● Don't accept friendship from anyone, especially people you don't know or who might bother you.
● report and block cyberbullies by having their accounts suspended, by blocking an account you prevent the cyberbully from communicating with you.
● Talking about what is happening with your parents or teachers, it is better not to face the problem alone, because by talking about what happened they will be able to help you avoiding the situation from worsening further.
Plus the psychological relief that comes from knowing that others are aware of the situation and that you are not alone in dealing with it.
● Reporting to the authorities can be a way to completely block cyberbullying acts; then go to a police station or the nearest carabinieri station with your parents and provide the officers with all the data and information necessary to proceed.