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Digital Divide
What is that ?
Literally "digital divide", it is the gap between those who have effective access to information technologies and those who cannot.
What categories of digital divides are there?
The digital divide can be divided into three categories which are divided by:
Those who have access to communication technologies and those who do not; these differences are reflected between rich and poor countries; urban and rural areas characterized by different dichotomies due to the malfunction of the Internet network.
Different levels of use of computer skills .
Types of content and services that can be accessed online.
The European Commission is working to ensure that all European households have access to a 100 Mb per second connection by 2025, including rural and sparsely populated regions.
The CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) is a fund in which 3.3 million euros are allocated to promote IT growth.
However, 10% of European households residing in rural areas are not covered by a fixed network and 40% have no connections of at least 30 Mb per second. For example, in Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia less than 90% of households have landlines.
42% of the European population between the ages of 16 and 74 still lacks the digital skills necessary to relate to the digital world.
How does the digital divide affect us?
Modern times characterized by technological progress and the creation of countless high tech gadgets, but characterized by numerous social inequalities. Sophocles in 450 BC already anticipated. "Nothing that vast enters mortal life without a curse."
The famous quote is also contained in the Netflix documentary, The social dilemma ; therefore, if we reflect and adapt this aphorism within our society, we can say that technology has led to a radical change in it. There were many positive repercussions, but the negative ones were more insidious.
This IT transition process has caused an increase in social discrepancies. The main causes are to be found in the geographical, economic, cultural, cognitive and generational differences. The world has therefore split in two, society therefore experiences a constant and progressive increase in the social gap between those who have access to the network and those who, for reasons of force majeure, have found themselves disadvantaged by this progress.
The phenomenon of the so-called digital divide, digital divide, has caused an enormous marginalization of those who do not have the knowledge to be able to keep up with the times and become responsible digital citizens.
The pandemic itself has highlighted the inequalities already present within society: the explosion of the phenomenon of smart working has caused profound marginalization, causing various socio-economic and cultural problems.
In order to stem this gap, we would like to offer you some small tutorials on how to create the Spid and a Gmail address.