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Information Disorder
What is it caused by?
During the recent diffusion of radio and television, their transmissions were regulated by specific laws; this is not happening for the new way of digital dissemination of information through social networks, when it caused the explosion of online disinformation and the recent phenomenon of information disorder that we are now going to investigate.
What is information disorder?
The birth of the term "information disorder" derives from the need to identify a much broader phenomenon that no longer includes only fake news, but also disinformation and everything that is revolutionizing political communication on the net. It is the freedom of information that, unregulated, is distorted.
The 3 main categories of information disorder:
Disinformation -> dissemination of intentionally false news which aims to deceive individuals, collective organizations or entire communities.
Misinformation -> Unintentional dissemination of incorrect information.
Malinformation -> The real facts are exploited and generalized to harm people, institutions or entire communities (eg a foreigner steals and all those from the same country from which the culprit comes are labeled as thieves).
Some tips to avoid being deceived:
Following the learning of a new news, carry out the fact checking procedure.
The information disclosed immediately after the occurrence of the event they deal with may be incorrect or incomplete as the correct and complete information has not yet been released.
Do not believe newspapers that in their articles quote other newspapers in support of their arguments.
If a piece of news is overly exciting, the information may not be true.
Run the CRAAP Test to check if the information is reliable.
Verify that the source of the information I have learned is reliable.